JACS: Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others



My name is P---.

I am not an alcoholic, but I grew up in about as wild an alcoholic family as one might imagine. I have 3 brothers in recovery and 3 friends who almost died and who are now sober. I have some who are no longer on this earth.

I managed to avoid alcoholics for about 18 years and then wound up involved with one for about 8 years. He is healthy and sober and we are not together. I am convinced that is best for both of us.

One of the good things that relationship did for me was to force me to look at co-dependency and familial patterns through some gestalt counseling. I too am healthy and sober now...but guy-shy as all get out if I'm out with someone who has over two drinks.

I am an educator and advisee to college age students...some of whom are in 12 step programs...those are the lucky ones. The unlucky ones are the ones who show up hung over in my class or to a Hillel shabbat meal looking for the wine.

Anyhow, thought I would check in to listen, learn, and/or contribute.


Jewish Connections Programs