Dvar Torah Dear friends of JACS. I have been sending (usually by fax) a weekly Torah Thought called Parsha Preview to the Columbus community for the past year and a half. Some of my friends at JACS have received it and now that I am slowly becoming E-mail literate (thanks, Suzanne) I have the CHUTZPAH to impose it on all of you. If any of you would prefer to receive it personally (as opposed to the generic JACS list) please let me know. Love 'ya, Hirsh (the Cuddle HaDor!!) Friday October 25,1996 Erev Shabbat Cheshvan 12, 5757 Lech Licha (Genesis 12:1-17:27) Something to think about: This week we begin to read about the spiritual and physical journey of Abraham and Sarah. These ancestors took the idea of monotheism out of the ivory tower where it existed for centuries, removed from masses and challenged the people. If G-d were to exist on this world (so to speak) then the concept of Hashem Echad (One G-d) had to be brought to the people even though amongst the people, the idea might risk misinterpretation and the limitations of human understanding. It seems that Hashem would rather be misunderstood than ignored! In the course of this journey Hashem tells Abraham, Walk before Me and be complete (17:1) This was to be accomplished through the covenant of BRIT MILA (circumcision). There are many ways that this mitzvah can be understood. I don t claim to have THE correct one. Permit me to add my own two cents . Many people who seek perfection [spiritual, financial, social etc.], live their lives chasing that, one more thing; Then I will be whole. This is a horrible way to live. Hashem offers Abraham a revolutionary idea. Even in this type of search, sometimes more is not necessarily better. Sometimes you have to give up something to become complete. I spent last Shabbat with 200+ Jews from all over this country for whom their spiritual quest directs them towards progress not perfection. They have taught me many things. Amongst the lessons; I have learned is that like Abraham s covenant, there may be things in life that we see as vital and precious and only when we surrender them do we realize how complete we are. Candle lighting- 6:20 Shabbat Ends-7:18 Good Shabbos!! Rabbi Hirsh Michel Chinn