JACS: Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others


 Izzy's Morning Prayer

Hi everybody My name is IZZY and I am a grateful addict and alcoholic.

BH, I have had the privilege to be a member of JACS for many years and by Hashem's grace attended some 25+ retreats.

I have had my share of relapses all, BH, ended in miracles ...miracles that continue on a daily basis. JACS has always been an integral part of my recovery.

There was a lot of sharing Re: the Lord's Prayer. This sharing I have heard at many retreats. I have found for my G-D as I understand a daily morning prayer in our prayer books (Morning-Blessings).

For the past couple of years I have found the following prayer real helpful to my recovery.

The second part of my prayer was recited by Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi (the author of the mishna) every day for protection in day-to-day dealings with one's fellow men. The Tur states that during the recitation one may add his personal requests for G-D's help during that day (Art-Scroll Prayer book - morning blessings p.23)

 Allow me to share it with you:

    Blessed are You, HASHEM, our G-D King of the universe, Who removes sleep from my eyes and slumber from my eyelids.

     And may it be YOUR WILL HASHEM ur G-D and the G-d of our forefathers, that You accustom us to Your Torah and attach us to Your commandments.

    Do not bring us into the power of error,
    nor into the power of transgression and sin,
    nor into the power of challenge,
    nor into the power of scorn.
    Let not the Evil Inclination dominate us.

    Distance us from an evil person and an evil companion.
    Attach us to the Good Inclination and to good deeds and "compel" our Evil Inclination to be subservient to you.

    Grant us today & every day, grace, kindness, and mercy in your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us.

    Blessed are you HASHEM, Who bestows beneficent kindness upon His people.

May it be Your will HASHEM, my G-D, and the G-D of our forefathers, that You rescue me today and every day from:
    from an evil man,,,,,,
    an evil inclination,,,,,,
    an evil companion,,,,,,
    an evil neighbor,,,,,,
    an evil mishap,,,,,,
    an evil eye,,,,,,
    evil speech, informers, false witness,
    the hatred of others,,,
    unnatural death,
    harmful illnesses,,,,
    unfavorable occurrences,,,
    the destructive spiritual impediments,
    a harsh trial and a harsh opponent--
    whether he is a member of the covenant
    or whether he is not a member of the covenant--
    and from the judgment of Gehinnom.

I would love to hear some discussion & sharing on the above For me this prayer has helped me stay G-D centered thru the day. Sometimes I need to repeat several times a day it is MY HASHEM's prayer'


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