JACS: Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others


Ronnie's Alternatives to the Lord's Prayer

Many Jews do not know that The Lord's Prayer is called that not because it is a prayer to the Lord, but rather because it is a prayer of Jesus' that he prayed. "The Lord" in this title refers to Jesus.

 I believe that for Jews, an appropriate alternative might be one of the following:
   "The entire world is but a narrow bridge and the essential thing is to not be afraid" - R. Nachman of Bratslav

 "To the extent the he has subdued his evil inclination and his desires, and withdrawn from the factors which draw him further from the good, and exerted himself to become united with it [the good], to that extent will he attain it and rejoice in it." - R. Moshe Chaim Luzzato, The Path of the Just.

 And, my favorite, the Hashkivaynu prayer said as part of the Maariv/evening services:

"Lay us down, Lord our God, in Peace. And raise us erect, our King, to life. And spread over us the shelter of your peace, and direct us to better ourselves, through your good counsel, and save us for the sake of your Name. Shield us, and remove from us, foe, pestilence, sword, famine and sorrow. And remove the evil impulse from before us and behind us. And in the shadow of your wings, shelter us. For God, our protector and rescuer are you. For God, the gracious and compassionate King are you. Guard our going out, and our coming in. For life and peace, from now to eternity."

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