JACS: Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others


Ten Commandments for Recovery

"T'is the '90's.  We are free to parody anything  So here goes a New and Improved version of the Ten Commandments for Recovery. " ...Rabbi Dr. Benzion Twerski
1.  I am the L-rd, your Higher Power who has allowed you to recover from your addictions and self-imposed bondage. 

2.  Worshipping yourself or another human being is considered idolatry, an abomination before Me. 

3.  Thou shalt not mention My name of G-d without qualifying it "as we understood Him" 

4.  Remember the day you reached true rest and relaxation when becoming abstinent from your toil of self destructive behavior.  This memory should always be green with you, and celebrated in the holiness of My presence and others with you. 

5.  Honor your parents and your sponsor in order that you may lengthen your days (one at a time). 

6.  Thou shalt not place anyone else at the risk of relapse, which is tantamount to murder.  (This includes 13th stepping.) 

7.  Thou shalt not mess around in anyone else's business (lest you occupy yourself with others' worries and let your own slide). 

8.  Thou shalt not claim fame or credit to quotes or beneficial actions of others. 

9.  Thou shalt not falsely accuse another or take their inventory. 

10.  Thou shalt not desire someone else's recovery, their sponsor, their meetings, their sponsees or anything else they may have earned.  Be happy with your own. 
Copyright ©1998, Benzion Twerski and JACS

Take these two tablets and call in the morning.

Jewish Connections Programs